Konawa Board of Education
School Policy Reference Manual
AE Philosophy of Konawa Public School.pdf
BA Board of education legal status.pdf
BAA Board of education powers and duties.pdf
BAAB Nepotism.pdf
BAB Liability of school board members.pdf
BBA Board membership qualifications.pdf
BBB School board members term of office.pdf
BBF Code of ethics for board members.pdf
BBH Development Opportunities Board Members.pdf
BBH-R1 New board member workshop.pdf
BBH-R2 School board member continuing education.pdf
BDAE Board of education officers treasurer.pdf
BDAE-R Board of education officer duties treasurer.pdf
BDD Board of education attorney.pdf
BDFD Healthy and fit school advisory committee.pdf
BD-R1 Board of education clerk regulation.pdf
BD-R3 Board of educations encumbrance clerk regulation.pdf
BE Board of education meetings and notification procedures.pdf
BEA School board meetings agenda preparation and dissemination.pdf
BEB Quorum.pdf
BED-E Request to address board of education.pdf
BED-R Board of education meetings public participation.pdf
BF Administration in absence of policy.pdf
BFAF Policy review and evaluation.pdf
BJ Board of education excutive officer superintendent.pdf
BJCD Evaluation of the superintendent.pdf
BJCD-R Superintendent evaluation form.pdf
BN School building administration.pdf
BPCAB Handbooks administrative.pdf
BRE Adminstrative assistant.pdf
CAC Possession and use of signature stamps.pdf
CCD Post issuance tax compliance procedures for tax exempt bonds.pdf
CDA Management and investment of funds.pdf
CDAC General fund balance.pdf
CEA Preliminary estimate of needs.pdf
CED Annual statistical financial reports.pdf
CFB Activity funds.pdf
CFFB Sanctioning of parent organizations and booster clubs.pdf
CFB-R1 Activity funds.pdf
CFEA Salary deductions.pdf
CHA Purchasing and distribution.pdf
CHA-P1 Adminstrative leeway in purchasing.pdf
CHA-R Purchasing and distribution.pdf
CI Disposal of surplus school property.pdf
CKAC Emergency plans.pdf
CKAC-R1 Emergency plans.pdf
CKAE Drugs alcohol and contraband searches.pdf
CKAE-R Drugs alcohol and contraband searches.pdf
CKBB School dismissal.pdf
CKC Safety drills.pdf
CKCB Bomb threat.pdf
CKCB-E Bomb threat procedures.pdf
CKCB-P Bomb threat procedures.pdf
CKCD Disaster plans.pdf
CKC-R1 Fire drills rules and procedures.pdf
CKC-R2 Tornado drills rules and procedures.pdf
CKDA 24 Smoke free tobacco free environment policy.pdf
CKEA Hazard communication.pdf
CKEA-R Hazardous communication.pdf
CKE-R Hazardous materials.pdf
CKGA Sex offenders registration act.pdf
CKHA-R Assaults upon school employees.pdf
CL Building equipment and grounds.pdf
CLB Equipment accountability.pdf
CLBA Building and grounds maintenance.pdf
CNA School bus extracurricular use .pdf
COF Vending machines.pdf
CPACA Cellular telephones and other wireless telecommunications devices.pdf
CVCD Disability accommodations.pdf
CVFA Fair labor standards act.pdf
DAAC Title I esea federal program complaint resolution.pdf
DAA-P Discrimination complaints procedures.pdf
DABB Records investigation.pdf
DBA Teacher assistant.pdf
DBAA Title i paraprofessionals.pdf
DBCA Standards of performance and conduct for teachers.pdf
DB-R Teachers duties and responsibilities.pdf
DCCD Drug and alcohol testing program bus Drivers.pdf
DCCB-E2 Drug and alcohol testing program.pdf
DCCB-E3 Drug and alcohol testing program.pdf
DCCB-E7 Pre-employment drug test acknowledgment form.pdf
DCCB-E11 Mandatory referral and release of information.pdf
DCCB-R Drug and alcohol testing program.pdf
DCC-E1 Drug free workplace notice to employees.pdf
DCC-R Workplace drug and alcohol testing.pdf
DDA Contracts.pdf
DEAB Cafeteria plan.pdf
DEAC Taxable fringe benefit on employer provided vehicles.pdf
DEB Holidays.pdf
DEBA Support staff vacation time.pdf
DEC Personnel leave program.pdf
DECA Family medical leave.pdf
DEC-R1 Sick leave certified.pdf
DEC-R2 Sick leave support.pdf
DEC-R3 Personal business leave.pdf
DEC-R5 Jury duty service and witness leave.pdf
DEC-R6 Military_leave.pdf
DED Alternative leave program.pdf
DED-R1 Leave of absence.pdf
DIAF Hygiene and sanitation.pdf
DIAF-E1 Communicable disease Risk exposure report.pdf
DIAF-E2 Hepatitis b vaccine consent refusal form.pdf
DIAF-P Routine procedures for sanitation and hygiene.pdf
DIAF-R Hygiene and sanitation.pdf
DJ Dress and personal grooming teachers.pdf
DMB Professional growth and development.pdf
DMB-R1 Professional growth and development.pdf
DMB-R4 Certification reimbursement program.pdf
DNAA Evaluation of administrative personnel.pdf
DNAA-P Leader performance evaluation procedures.pdf
DNAB Support staff evaluation.pdf
DNA-P Teacher performance evaluation procedures.pdf
DNB Personnel files.pdf
DNC Personnel files support employees.pdf
DO Termination of employment teachers.pdf
DOAC Support personnel suspension demotion nonrenewal or termination.pdf
DOB Due process for administrators.pdf
DOBD Suspension of certified personnel.pdf
DOCA Reduction in force certified personnel.pdf
DO-R Teacher termination procedures.pdf
DPA Qualifications teachers.pdf
DPAA Qualifications principals.pdf
DPAB School bus drivers.pdf
DPAB-R School bus drivers regulation.pdf
DPACA Support staff assignmants and transfers.pdf
DPACA-R2 Support employee categories and duties.pdf
DPAD School counselor qualifications.pdf
DPAE School librarian duties.pdf
DPAHB Physical education teachers responsibilities.pdf
EBA School hours.pdf
EFA Library media selection.pdf
EFA-P Challenge of library materials selection.pdf
EFBCA Internet computer netwroks acceptable use.pdf
EHA Basic instrutional program.pdf
EHACA Diplomas for verterans.pdf
EHAK Physical education.pdf
EHBA Equal education opportunities.pdf
EHBA-R Section 504 rehabilitation_act.pdf
EHBDB Title i parent involvement.pdf
EHBDB-R Title i parent involvement.pdf
EHBE Limited english proficiency instruction.pdf
EHDF-R1 Konawa virtual school.pdf
EIA Promotion and retention.pdf
EIAE Proficiency based promotion.pdf
EIDA Honors program medals and certificates.pdf
EIED Graduation requirements.pdf
EK-R1 Testing program student surveys.pdf
EK-R2 Testing program remediation.pdf
FB Sexual harassment of students1.pdf
FB-E1 Sexual harassment incident report form 1.pdf
FB-E2 Written notice allegations 1.pdf
FB-E3 Written report 1.pdf
FDA Students enrollment requirements.pdf
FDAF Enrollment of exchange students.pdf
FDGA College days.pdf
FEG Student transfers for children of active duty military.pdf
FEXX Withdrawal from school.pdf
FFA Health students.pdf
FFAA Contagious and life threatening diseases.pdf
FFAAB Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.pdf
FFACA Medication administering to students 1.pdf
FFACA-R Medications given at school.pdf
FFAC-P Basic first aid 1.pdf
FFAEA Concussions and head injuries policy for student athletes 1.pdf
FFFF-E Bus incident report.pdf
FFFF-R1 School bus program.pdf
FFGA Parents right-to-know.pdf
FFGB Interviewing children at the school.pdf
FFG-E Suspected child abuse report form.pdf
FFG-R Suspected child abuse or neglect.pdf
FJ Fund raising by in-school organizations.pdf
FJ-R Administrative guidelines for raffles.pdf
FLE Transfer and release of confidential information.pdf
FL-E18 Notice of rights under ferpa.pdf
FLE-E1 Permission for the transfer and/or release of confidential information.pdf
FLF Information coordinator.pdf
FL-R Compliance with family education.pdf
FM Student activities scholastic eligibity.pdf
FMA Extracurricular activities.pdf
FMA-R1 Extracurricular activities.pdf
FMA-R2 Ten day absence ruling.pdf
FMC Student clubs and organizations.pdf
FM-R Student activities eligibility.pdf
FNCA Student conduct dress code.pdf
FNCD Bullyingdoc_1.pdf
FNCD-E Bullying incident report 1.pdf
FNCD-P Bullying investigation procedures 1.pdf
FNCD-R Bullying regulations_1.pdf
FNCFB Student activities drug testing policy.pdf
FNCFB-E Student drug testing consent form.pdf
FNCGA Weapons-free schools.pdf
FNFA-R Responsibility for school property.pdf
FNF-E Search checklist.pdf
FNG Wireless telecommunication.pdf
FOD Suspension of students.pdf
FOD-R Suspension of students.pdf
FP-R Fees fines and charges regulation.pdf
GB Public information program.pdf
GBA Open records act.pdf
GBCA News releases.pdf
GF Resolving school related conflicts.pdf
GGFA Indian tribal involvement.pdf
GJBA Access to students and directory information.pdf
GJ-P Grievance appeals process.pdf
GK Request for use of school property.pdf